Saturday, February 5, 2011

Day 3 - The Walls rise higher

Today was an amazing day from the beginning to the end. We got started back at the job site with an opening day prayer. The prayer was given by Pastor G who is the site foreman, a wonderful pastor and a real task master as the leader of the job. Part of the beauty of this morning is putting up the cross right above the work site. The rest of the morning was chucking up block as we worked in the blazing sun towards accomplishing our goal.

Lunch brought a wonderful moment where as we sat quietly eating our food and really being too tired to even converse. A couple of conversations did break out with some of the workers. It turns out that they play music and one of the them by the name of Saul loves to sing. Well a hidden talent on our team was revealed when Royce told us that he can play the drums. With a bit of encouragement the musicians made their way onto the stage and wonderful music was heard eminating from the church. No one could stop smiling.

The group takes a moment of rest at the end of a hard day of work. We cut our work day short by an hour or so as we ran out of liquid to drink.

Mayron, the person we are building the house for, pauses for a moment outside of the house. This, also, shows the progress for the day. We are two "courses" of blocks away from being able to work on the roof and floor. The team has really been pushing the work and getting as much done as time and the heat allows.

Finally, we made our way to the village of Santa Marta for a early evening game of football (soccer). It was a game full of laughter, action and the occassional goal. You know that you are playing soccer in Honduras when the field you are playing in has scattered cow patties and the game being interrupted by a chicken and her five chicks running directly into the action. After much running and attempting to keep with the locals the team with the Americans (and admittedly a few local ringers) pulled away in the final moments with a hard fought 5-4 victory.

Tomorrow, the team has the day off and we will be attending church in the AM and then spending most of the afternoon down at the beach. It will be a well deserved breather.


  1. Mañana, Jeremias verá a sus muchachas favorito en toda la Honduras, Maria, Maria, y Maria.

  2. Impressive Day #3 team. I know Mayron and his family are excited about their new home. Team #1 never received a concert at lunch...must of been motivational. Just wait until today at!

    The rookies are no longer rookies. Great job Chris, Royce, Sean, and Sterling!

    Have a wonderful Sunday of fellowship.
