Pastor G is the man with the hat. Pastor G is the man with the million dollar smile. Pastor G is the new construction site coordinator for all of the Baptist Men construction teams. Pastor G speaks almost no English, but the two English words he knows and uses best are: "No problem." Pastor G can look at a mess made by a foolish gringo who thought he knew what he was doing, and with a hug, a smile, a "no problem" and a fast and efficient demonstration teach a new way of doing things and quietly, joyously fix the problem and put the gringo back to work. When we leave Colonias Unidas we will have built the walls, doors and windows of a substantial, two room block Sunday School building. But the work we will have done will have been better, easier, and more fun because of a little man with a big hat, a big smile and a big love for his God. We have been blessed, led and taught by Pastor G and we thank God for him.